The first thing I would like to mention is that English isn't my native language so in this guide you might notice some errors. I don't public this guide for the first time, but last time it was a complete epic fail So now I will fix my mistakes. |
Skill build
Start, early ITEMS
-AP,(pick),-RD,-CM,-SD, 603 gold, : pick x2 OR
INTRODUCTION Zeus has one role: offensive spellcaster (A.K.A. SPAM,SPAM,SPAM!! ). His spell damage output is probably the highest of any hero in the game, due to the great damage and low cooldown periods of his spells. Arc Lightning strikes a large number of enemies with a relatively low damage chain lightning, but due to its low cost and cooldown it can be cast a large number of times during a battle. Once a deity of unfathomable might, Zeus reluctantly sacrificed his much relished immortality in exchange for the chance to crush the sinister armies of the unholy undead. As his soul crossed into the mortal plane, his omnipotent powers withered greatly, yet not nearly enough to quell this destructive Thunder God's resolve for justice. With sheer precision, he cleanses through the enemy ranks with an impressive mastery of electrical discharge, smiting the fool hardy with formidable bolts of lightning from the heavens above. Ever vigilant in his relentless assault, the Scourge cowers in fear of incurring the fearsome wrath of the Lord of Olympia. Conclusion:He wanted to kick some a**! |
* Attack Animation: 0.633 / 0.366 * Damage: 41 - 49 * Casting Animation: 0.4 / 0.5 * Armor: 2.1 * Base Attack Time: 1.7 * Movespeed: 295 * Missile Speed: 1100 * Attack Range: 350 * Sight Range: 1800 / 800 |
SKILLS I don't really want to copy all the information new players seek about the skills of the character, so I will give a link, and just explain them in seconds. IF YOU WANT ALL THE INFORMATION ABOUT THE SKILLS, CLICK HERE 1.Arc Lightning Since it does only 130 dmg to 15 targets, it isn't your main nuke, but can be used to scare the enemy and control his path of escape.WTF IT HAS 700 RANGE, Abuse it ! NAAAAH!! Its usualy used for easyly killing creeps, dont letting foes get close to you. |
2.Lightning Bolt That's your primary nuke, it costs only 75/95/115/135 mana has 6,5 seconds cooldown!!!Abuse the 700 range!Damage grows dramatically with every level 100/175/275/350. Primary used for: NUKE, SPAM, NUKE, SPAM, kill! OH!! Did i forgot, It gives true sight within 900 range.In verry rare ocassion you can use it to kill enemy's wards thanks to the truesight, but you gotta be quick.Also STOPS Teleport scrolls with its mini stun !!You can also interrupt channeling spells like pudges ult for example. ITS LIKE INTERRUPTING A GUY JIRKING OFF RIGHT BEFORE HE C*MS! He says : What the f*ck are you doing here!? BAAM Taking picture of you naked and posting it to facebook wall! = Stopping his teleport scroll and killing him in secconds!!!! (THATS MY FAVOURITE SPAM, SO..) |
3.Static Field That's your one and only passive. Do NOT think it is useless. Let me explain. Shocks for 5%/7%/9%/11% of current hit points, so a Centaur warchief with 2 hearths vanguard and some other bull**** , which has 4800hp will get 528 hp SHOCKED!! You say, OH MY GOD, That's so offensive! Whenever Zeus casts a spell, he shocks all nearby enemy heroes for a percentage of their current hit points as damage. CAST SPELLS !CAST SPELLS !CAST SPELLS! I forgot to mention that items do not trigger this passive. |
4.Thundergod's Wrath That is your ultimate! Has a 120 sec cd and deals fair dmg without aghanim and Relentless dmg with aghanim, so get aghanim! Your ULTIMATE deals Deals 210 (400*) damage on level 1 /Deals 335 (500*) damage on level 2/ Deals 460 (600*) damage at level 3 As you see in the (DMG*) brackets i have posted the dmg , and how it strongly benefits from aghanim's scepter. I guess you know that it hits all the hero targets in the map(alive) unless invisible, but it reveals them, so you can spam spam spam, kill (technique). NOTES: • Damage type: magical • Reveals the surrounding area (1000 and 750 range on day and night, respectively) for 3 seconds. • Gives true sight 900 range around each affected target for 3 seconds. • If a target is invisible it will get revealed (both vision and true sight) but not damaged. • Can be improved by Aghanim's Scepter (* shows the improved values). |
OKey!! Now you know what your skills do, I guess that's the most important thing in dotA, uSe your skills at the right moment.
So as the skills know you, oops i mean you know the skills, now I should present you the only one competetive Zeus skill build. But the game is quite flexible, so It may change. |
SKILL USAGE ARC LIGHTNING is mainly used for harrass and last hitting creeps, here is the range showed on this pic and how to use it efficiently:
How arc lightning activates STATIC FIELD: And it does bonus damage which in late game is alot more than the dmg from arc lightning :
SKILL BUILD THE NUKE, SPAM, NUKE, SPAM, kill build(thats my favourite) Explanation: In that case we lvl up arc lightning first, and then the passive, because the mana cost is lower, and it's easier to creep and harrass opponents with it. After that we keep on the strategy and max first Lightning bolt. There is a seccond choice, If you are going for the trilane, and your team is going for the fb try, you might lvl up Lightning bolt first, because of the mini-stun that can cancel teleport scrolls. It also gives sight on the target, so i think it's better for a first blood attempt. |
Start, early ITEMS
-AP,(pick),-RD,-CM,-SD, 603 gold, : pick x2 OR Trilane (support, harrass), : OR 2x POSSIBLE UPGRADES IF YOU GO FOR THE ->-> That is only if you are playing support, and you aren't able of getting aghanim or something serious! IF YOU GO FOR THE -> Always upgrade your -> -> Wand is an imba item if used correctly !!!! Depends If you need HP or armor. later if you pick ring of prot you can upgrade it to ROB, and do not forget to switch it to Heroes mode. So you won't push your creeps in your enemies territory. If you are playing in a trilane, your main role is to harrass opponent's carry. Your role in the trilane is a bit different than the middle lane, I think that is clear. Your only job is to make the enemy team run for help. And let your carry farm. Always you will be the one warding or buying the courier. Or maybe deceit. But usually the stuner (ganker,roamer) doest that.
LUXURY ITEMS ALMOST OBLIGATORY AFTER CORE - AGHANIM's Also forgot to mention that little friend Amplifies magic damage by 25% Lasts 15 seconds, costs 75 mana, has a 30 second cooldown, and an 875 cast range. Also 500 AoE. |
OTHER ITEMS TO MENTION Boots choice :You can also upgrade your boots of speed to . OR If you are playing on a dual lane or a trilane, if verry often you end up manaless you can buy a it will help you alot. Eul's scepter : It gives you +10int +25 ms and a 2.5 sec disable. costs 2800 gold, I don't think it's worth it. Better buy a Ultimate orb, provides alot of stats, and then upgrade it to Linken's sphere. Way better. More survivability. And if you wan't the disable so much Guinsoo is the right choice. Ask yourself that question first: Am I playing vs 5 melee carries (Which would be a terrible pub) -Yes. (Get ghost scepter) -No, I also play in a terrible pub, but vs 5 spellcasters (OmfgZ!), In that case get the 2 bracers.... If you get hit by chars like Mortred or troll, that is your salvation. Ofc if you don't have a disable. A key to success in dota is the possitioning. Dagger helps alot and also you can chase the enemy in the blink of an eye. Can also be replaced by force staff. |
Rejected Items Do not ever, ever buy something from , it's like doing sex with you own mom! A pure waist of coins. Every DPS item is a pure waste of gold ! For example you don't need Orchid , yes it gives you mana regen but what are you going to do with the damage, your spammable skills can do the job, for free!; |
BEST ALLIES Who might be that, dissables and stunners, Support chars also might work, for example Mana batteries : Characters with massive ultimates possitioning the enemy team in one place. : Okey magnataur's ulti or engima's is the perfect choice! It gets all the enemies together, and that's way easier to get shocked, so if you use a skill on one all will get the shock effect. In that case Use your ultimate! Maybe you see that medusa doesn't relocate the enemies but she stops them from fleeing so.. same. Stunners or permabashers : Generaly characters which dont let the enemies target you, like axe. OH OH OH OH !! I FORGOT, PUGNA!! and ethereal users. Your spam and this guy's you can destroy everything in your path ! If you don't know what Decrepify does read HERE |
WORST ENEMIES Mana drainers/burners :Spectre and Phantom assasin Can burn your mana in no time with a difusal blade.. OKEY, I WON'T mention the names of all the silencers. SILENCE KILLS YOU , since your only hope are your spells. He is a pain in the A**, who doesn' hate him, burns mana and silence like hell. Change lane if you are against him WORST NIGHTMARES He is like the princess in SUPER MARIO, she always gets away.. Like he blinks. Here the only thing that can save you is your Linken's sphere!! If he uses doom on you.. you are useless... dead. |
Other scary guys: We should also mention that guy, rhasta can hex you, nuke you, spawn wards, dissable you, hex you again... and on .. and on.. The linken's is going to help you again, maybe.. everythng depends on your team mates here. Also keep away from pugna's ward. Or just ask somebody to kill it first.If you cast all of your spells (665 mana, but you can spam twice or trice the first skill so, it's arround 745 mana. With a level 4 ward pugna (Ward has 300 HP. -6.0 Mana regeneration to enemies. Mana Flare deals 1.5 damage per each point of Mana) will deal to you 745 x 1.5 which is 1118 damage, with the resistance and armor crap shit arround 950-1000 dmg, that's like instant kill. KILL THE WARD BEFORE IT KILLS YOU! He'll keep hitting and hitting you, so don't let him get close. Obviously every dotA player playing with ursa would buy a Lothar's edge or a dager, so he can aproach his enemies. The lothar isn't quite a problem, because you have plenty of skills which reveal windwalk! But the dager.. you just need to stay away from him, and rape the bear early game. The good old nevermore... He has 3 razes (900)damage all, so when you are laning vs him, try to avoid at least 2 of them , otherwise you are dead. It's vs him ,it's way easier to last hit/deny with never than with zeus, talk with you allies for an early gank with smoke of deceit. |
Here I will post some videos of zeus that I like, not the same build as mine, but you'll get the idea. First: Zeus in team fights As you see in this video zeus chooses his targets very carefully. He is staying waaaaay further away than his normal "physical" atack range, which is 350 D It isn't completely necessary to use your ultimate at all the team fights, let your team mates also grab some kills. Let them have some fun. |
How to use the ultimate Here is a great video I saw here, I think the player is a user on this website He waited for the right moment to cast his ult, he knew that there are at least 3 low hp targets on the map. Used the illusion rune to confuse the enemy and then : WTF OMG zomg pure luck.. naah you just died, it ain't no luck thats The god of lightning!!!! |
How to survive with your 700HP!? Here is the answer, use the blind spots, use the tower, Its free dmg. 3 chars tough that he is going to die, but.. If you aren't familiar with blind spots, and how to use them : I strongly recommend that you should read the guide of Dr.Galiza.HERE I will post only a single image I found at google, my painting skills are terrible so.. |
Ooops I will post another image, which I stole from Dr.Galiza, hope he doesn't mind
As I said before, just survive and spam until you beat the sh*t.. I mean the life out of them! |
This is the god of lightning, you should always keep the enemy heroes away from the creep with your fearsome skills. Do not let them creep at all. Denying is hard with zeus, but you can easyly creep with the arc lightning. I prefer killing instead of creeping, but there are different styles of gameplay. PS: This is my frist guide, don't flame too much. |
ReplyDeletegood post! thanxs so much!